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Sunnat (Extra) Prayer

In Islam there are several sunnat prajers.

1.   Wudhu' (Ablution Prayer).
Wudhu' prayer is performed after ablution.
Abu Hurairah r.a. narrated: Allah's Messenger (PBUH) said to Bilal:"Bilal! Tell me what good deed you did In Islam because I heard the sound of your sandals in front of Paradise." Bilal answered: "the only good deed that I really expect in Islam after ablution, day or night, I offer salat (prayer) as many rak'ats as I can. (Bukhari, Muslim).
Allah's Messenger (PBUH) heard the sound of Bilal's san­dals in front of Paradise at Mi'raj event when he was brought to Paradise. This means that offering ablution prayer is of great reward.

2.   Tahiyyatul Masjid Prayer.
Tahiyatul masjid prayer is offered when a Muslim enters a mosque to honor the house of Allah (before he sits down).
Abu Qatadah r.a. narrated:" Allah's Messenger (PBUH) said: "If one of you enters a mosque, don't sit down until you offer prayer for 2 rak'ats."(Bukhari, Muslim).

(PBUH) who was in the mosque, he said to me."
Pray 2 rak'ats!." (Bukhari, Muslim).

The above hadiths show that a muslim is not allowed to sit down in a mosqye before he offers 2 rak'ats tahiyatul masjid prayer.

3.   Dhuha Prayer.
Dhuha prayer is peformed when the sun is above hori zon.
Abu Hurairah r.a. narrated:" My love Allah's Messenger (PBUH) told me to fast tree days a month, offer 2 rak'ats dhuha prayer, and offer with prayer  before going to bed."   (Bukhari, Muslim).

Aisyah r.a. said:" Allah's Messenger (PBUH) offered 4 rak'ats dhuha prayer, and sometimes more than that."(Muslim).
According to Ummi Hani binti Abi Thalib, Allah's Mes­senger offered 8 rak'ats Dhuha prayer.
Zaid bin Arqom r.a. reported:" Allah's Messenger (PBUH) said:" Dhuha prayer is a prayer of someone who returns to Allah when many people forget him and busy working." (Muslim)
Following Allah's Messenger's way Muslims are encour­aged to offer dhuha prayer according to their capacity.

4.   Tahajjud Prayer.
Tahajjud prayer is offered when someone wakes up at night. It is also called "midnight prayer" because it is of­fered at midnight. The Quranic verse explains:
And pray at midnight as additional prayer for you so that Lord will raise you to a place of Glory." (al-Isra: 79).

Abu Hurairah r.a. narrated : "Allah's Messenger said: "The most important fasting after Ramadhan is the fasting of Muharram, and the most important prayer after the fard prayer is the sunat prayer in the midnight (tahajjud)." (Muslim).

Abdullah bin Salam narrated:" Allah's Messenger (PBUH) said:" O people, spread salam, give food to the poor and offer midnight prayer while others are sleeping in order that you can enter Paradise safely" (Attarmizi).

The above quranic verse and hadiths emphasize the im­portance of offering tahajjud prayer at midnight.

5.   Witr Prayer.
Witr prayer is much emphasizd by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). He did not leave this prayer al­though he is on journey. In Arabic witr means "one". In a hadith Allah's Messenger (PBUH) says:
Allah is one, so He likes number one." (Muslim).
Another meaning of witr is "odd".
The actual witr prayer is one rak'at although a person can offer 3, 5, 7 or 9 rak'at. All these numbers are approved by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Witr prayer can be offered after the Isya prayer up to the break of dawn. A person who thinks he could not wake up to pray witr at the end part of the night, can offer witr immediately after Isha or before he goes to bed. But, if a person thinks he can wake up and pray at night, he should pray witr after the end of tahajjud prayer.
All the above prayers are offered according to the time and capacity of the believer. The believer is granted a reward for praying them and no sin for leaving them. Allah's Mes­senger encouraged Muslims to offer extra prayers to help make up for any minor omissions or other defects in the obliga­tory prayers.
Muslims can also offer extra prayer between azan and iqamah as can be seen in the following hadith
Abdullah ibn Mughoffal narrated: "Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:" Between azan and iqama there is an extra prayer." (Bukhari, Muslim).

6.   Eid Prayer.
Eid prayer should be offered outdoor in the open area, in a park, a field, or a desert.
If it is wet or not possible to find a suitable outdoor place,
Eid prayer can be done in a mosque or large hall. (Abu Dawud)
Eid prayer is of 2 rak'ats and should be offered when the sun is above horizon. There is no azan and iqamah for eid prayer, and there is no prayer before and after it. In Eid prayer there are 7 takbirs in the first rak'at (after the first takbir) and 5 takbirs in the second rak'at in which the hands are raised as in takbir tahrimah. Eid prayer is con­ducted before Khutbah.
Eid-el-Fitr is celebrated when the fasting of Ramadhan ends, and Eid-el-Adha is celebrated on the tenth of Zulhijjah. Eid-el-Adha is also called Eid-el Qurban (sacri­fice) on which day the Prophet Abraham sacrificed his son Ishmael.
Pef orming 2 rak'ats of Eid-el-Fitr and Eid-el-Adha was com­manded by Allah to the Holy Prophet on the second year of Hijrah.

7.   Tarawih Prayer.
Tarawih prayer is a sunnat prayer that is especially of­fered during Ramadhan nights. In some places the tarawih prayer is offered 11 rak'ats and in some others 21 rak'ats including witr. If Muslims offer 11 rak'ats it cinsists of 8 rak'ats of tarawih with two salutations (salam) and 3 rak'ats witr. If Muslims practice 21 rak'ats it consists of 20 rak'ats of tarawih (ten times 2 rak'ats) plus one rak'at witr. Eid parayer and tarawih prayer are annual extra prayers. They are only offered once a year.


good deed
wake up
minor omission
above horizon
= amal kebaikan
= bunyi
= masuk
= mengakui, menyetujui
= subuh
= aula
= mengangkat
= melaksanakan
= merayakan
= mengorbankan, korban
= terpuji
= menyebarkan
= dengan selamat
= bangun
= ketinggalan
= kekurangan
= naik
= tahunan

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